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文章来源:《经济学人》Jan 4th 2023 期   Leaders   栏目
A realistic path to a better relationship between Britain and the EU

The end of magical thinking


The question of Europe has caused a decade of turmoil. Here’s how to use the next ten years better

Jan 5th 2023
Ten years ago this month, David Cameron, Britain’s prime minister at the time, gave a speech at the London headquarters of Bloomberg, a news organisation. In it Mr Cameron outlined his cunning plan to cement Britain’s place in the European Union, by triggering a fundamental reform of the bloc and then offering Britons an in-out referendum on membership. That went well. The 2016 vote to leave the bloc has exacerbated Britain’s economic malaise, gumming up trade and muting investment. It has soured Britain’s relationship with many of its natural allies and weakened the bonds of its own union.
Worst of all, it has infected British politics with a destructive strain of magical thinking. Mr Cameron himself was an early victim, badly overestimating the EU’s willingness to change its fundamental principles in order to suit Britain. Brexiteers have been high on their own pixie dust from the start, whether conjuring up the gains to be had from leaving the EU or wishing away the issue of the Irish border. Remainers, too, succumb to hocus-pocus if they think that the split can be simply undone.
【1】magical thinking 魔力信念(认为思考某件事情或希望其发生的信念可以使其发生)
例句:the belief that thinking about something or wanting it to happen can make it happen
【2】pixie 小精灵
【3】political hocus-pocus (activity) 政治花招;(words) 政治鬼话最糟糕的是,一种破坏性的魔力信念影响了英国政治。卡梅伦本人就是早期的受害者,他严重高估了欧盟为迎合英国而改变其基本原则的意愿。脱欧派从一开始就对自己的“仙尘”感到兴奋,无论是幻想着脱离欧盟所能获得的好处,还是希望解决爱尔兰边境问题。如果留欧派认为“分开”可以简单地解开,他们也会屈服于这些“鬼话”。
There is a path to a better relationship with Europe. Growing numbers of Britons regard the decision to leave the bloc as a mistake. The EU would like to be on better terms with its difficult neighbour. But taking that path will require an end to magical thinking. It will be a slow-going and incremental process, not an impulsive and revolutionary one. It will mean nurturing trust and consensus, rather than holding winner-takes-all referendums and presenting ultimatums in Brussels. Anyone can jump off a cliff. Climbing one is far harder.
For Brexiteers, that means recognising the damage that Brexit has done. The Bank of England has estimated that Brexit depressed investment by almost 25% over the five years to 2021. One think-tank reckons that the economy would be more than 5% bigger now if Britain had stayed in the EU. Yet among the Brexit faithful truth-telling is still heresy. In December the Conservative government trailed modest reforms to the financial-services industry as a Brexit dividend, when many of the changes had nothing to do with the EU. The government is still committed to replacing or repealing all retained EU legislation by the end of 2023, a goal that promises pointless disruption.
For Remainers, realism means putting aside ideas of rejoining the bloc. If The Economist had a magic wand, it would gladly turn back the clock to 2016, when Britain enjoyed a privileged status as an influential EU member with a host of opt-outs. But rejoining will be vetoed by EU governments until there is a rock-solid political and social consensus in favour of membership. Polls suggest Britons want a close relationship with the EU. But there is much less enthusiasm for Europe as a project of political integration. Returning to the question of membership now would reanimate the toxic polarisation of the Brexit years.
The pragmatic path to a better relationship with Europe would instead comprise three stages: normalise, build, reimagine. First, Britain must normalise its ties with Brussels. Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, already deserves some credit on this score: quiet co-operation in areas from the North Sea to migration is under way. But that will count for little if he cannot reach a workable deal on the Northern Ireland protocol. Doing so would unlock more goodies, from participation in scientific-research schemes to closer co-operation among regulators.
与欧洲建立更好关系的务实之路应该包括三个阶段:正常化、加强和重新构想。首先,英国必须与布鲁塞尔实现关系正常化。在这一点上,英国首相里希•苏纳克已经值得一些赞扬: 从北海到移民等领域的悄悄合作正在进行中。但如果他不能就北爱尔兰协议达成一项可行的协议,这将毫无意义。达成协议会带来更多好处,从参与科研计划到监管机构之间更紧密的合作。
Next, build. The thin Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA) negotiated by Boris Johnson will come up for review in 2026. That is a vital opportunity to fatten the deal. The Labour Party, which may well be in power then, has proposed adding a sensible clutch of bolt-on agreements, principally easing the movement of some people and of food products. Labour must watch its own tendency towards magical thinking, which is to assume that not being Tories will be enough to win the EU over. But with hard diplomatic graft, it is possible to expand the TCA.
【1】 bolt-on (尤指商业领域中)附加的,附带的接下来,加强。由鲍里斯·约翰逊谈判达成的《贸易与合作协定》将于2026年接受审查。这是扩大交易的重要机会。届时很有可能执政的工党提议增加一系列合理的附加协议,主要是放宽一些人员和食品的流动。工党必须注意自己的“魔力信念”倾向,即认为不再是保守党就足以赢得欧盟的支持。但通过艰难的外交工作,《贸易与合作协定》是有可能扩大的。
Even these revisions will only marginally offset the economic harm done by leaving the EU. Towards the second half of this decade, work must start on reimagining the Britain-EU relationship afresh. The “Norway” option—being a non-voting member of the single market—would have been a sensible holding position for Britain on the way out of the bloc. But a deal that suits Norway, a small, stable place whose main exports are oil, gas and fish, is much less suited to a large, truculent services-based economy like Britain. More promising is the terrain sketched out by Theresa May in the aftermath of the Brexit vote: deepening market access in areas such as goods and agriculture in exchange for adopting EU law, while retaining autonomy in services. Rejoining the customs union may eventually be possible.
即便是这些修正,也只能轻微抵消脱欧造成的经济损失。在这个十年的后半段,必须开始重新构想英国与欧盟的关系。“挪威”选项——成为单一市场的无投票权成员——对英国脱欧来说是一个明智的选择。但是,适合挪威这样一个主要出口石油、天然气和鱼类的稳定小国的协议,就不太适合像英国这样一个以服务业为基础的经济大国了。更有希望的是特蕾莎·梅在英国脱欧公投后勾勒出的蓝图: 深化商品和农业等领域的市场准入,以换取欧盟法律的通过,同时保留服务业的自主权。最终,可能会重新加入关税同盟。
This might strike many as yet another form of magical thinking. It would certainly be difficult for both sides. For the British, it would mean abandoning a dogmatic aversion to EU law for a cannier approach rooted in strategic self-interest. For Tory Eurosceptics, this will sound like betrayal. Yet if public support for their project is not to evaporate, the economy needs to grow. That requires deeper access to Britain’s biggest export market.
No rabbits, less cake

For the EU, it would mean softening its aversion to the idea of Britain cherry-picking bits of the single market. But the scenario it once feared, of Britain becoming a dynamic Singapore-on-Thames, is remote. Binding Britain back into the EU’s regime for chemicals, agriculture or state aid would be a boon for a bloc that aspires to be a regulatory superpower. And the benefits of a more constructive and respectful relationship with Britain are not just economic, as the war in Ukraine has demonstrated.
【1】cherry-pick 精选对欧盟来说,这将意味着缓和其对英国在单一市场中“挑挑拣拣”的反感。但是,英国成为泰晤士河上一个充满活力的新加坡,这一欧盟曾经担心的情景,现在还很遥远。对于一个渴望成为监管超级大国的集团来说,将英国重新纳入欧盟的化学品、农业或国家援助制度将是一件好事。与英国建立更具建设性和相互尊重的关系所带来的好处不仅仅是经济上的,正如乌克兰战争所证明的那样。
A bespoke relationship with Britain would also fit into a wider rethinking of Europe’s architecture. Over the coming decade the EU will need to ponder how to manage the aspirations of Ukraine and the western Balkan states which wish to join. Old debates about variable geometry and a multi-speed Europe will be given fresh impetus. Forging an enduring relationship between Britain and the EU will take time, hard work and realism. But there is still room for imagination. ■

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