如下是Economics & Econometrics分支的2019版QS专排中,英国TOP10院校:
以下展示为上述院校中,纯Economics专业开设及A-level要求: TOP 1 伦敦政治经济学院 涉及课程: BSc Economics A-level要求: a minimum of A* A A in their A levels, with an A* in Mathematics TOP 2 牛津大学 涉及课程: BA Economics and Management A-level要求: A*AA including Mathematics at grade A or above TOP 3 剑桥大学 涉及课程: BA Economics A-level要求: A*A*A TOP 4 伦敦大学学院 涉及课程: BSc Economics BSc Economics with a Year Abroad BSc Economics with a Placement Year A-level要求: Grades A A A*, with A* in Mathematics TOP 5 华威大学 涉及课程: Economics (BSc) A-level要求: A*AA to include A in Mathematics TOP 6 伦敦商学院 不提供本科课程,估不再铺开阐述 TOP 7 曼彻斯特大学 主要涉及课程: BSc Economics BAEcon Economics A-level要求: AAB, including A in Mathematics. TOP 8 诺丁汉大学 主要涉及课程: BSc Economics A-level要求: A*AA (A*ABB for those taking four full A levels and completing them in the same year), preferably including mathematics TOP 9 爱丁堡大学 本科相关课程只有Agricultural Economics及Law and Economics (LLB) ,估不再铺开阐述 TOP 10 玛丽皇后大学 主要涉及课程: BSc (Econ) (Hons) Economics A-level要求: Grades AAA at A-Level. This must include A-Level Mathematics.