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发表于 2022-12-12 20:42:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
文章来源:《经济学人》Nov 19th 2022 期 Leaders  栏目
A wish-list of centrist proposals for the lame-duck Congress

All we want


Good things come in threes. But we’re greedy and have five

【1】lame-duck 跛脚鸭 [指处于困境需要帮助的人、事物或机构]好事成三。但我们很贪婪,有五个愿望
Nov 23rd 2022
When members of Congress return to Washington next week, Thanksgiving will be over and the annual festival of asking for stuff will begin. The Economist has its own wish-list for members of the House and Senate in the lame-duck session, when legislators can be more open to doing business. Since the biggest obstacle to these wishes being granted is the Senate filibuster, which means finding ten Republican votes, this list is particularly aimed at the five Republican senators who are retiring, plus those who voted for the chips Act and infrastructure law, both of which passed with Republican support. In journalism, branches of government and adorations of the Magi, three is the magic number. But we are greedy, so here are five.
First, hundreds of thousands of people brought to America as children—the Dreamers—still have to reapply every two years for permission to remain in the country. America’s immigration system has plenty of problems, but the inability of Congress to tackle this one is striking. Do the retiring members of Congress want their successors to think it was beyond them? Some Dreamers are entering middle age. Do Senate Republicans want to keep up the pretence that they may one day be deported? And, if so, where to?
首先,成千上万在儿童时期被带到美国的人--梦想家,仍然需要每两年重新申请居留许可。美国的移民制度有很多问题,但是国会无力解决这个问题令人震惊。即将退休的国会议员是否希望他们的继任者认为这超出了他们的范围? 一些梦想家正步入中年。参议院的共和党人想继续假装他们有一天会被驱逐出境吗? 如果是,去哪里?
Second, fund Ukraine’s heroic resistance. Vladimir Putin’s strategy is to wait out the West, bomb and freeze Ukraine into submission. Ukraine needs to know that its Western allies have more patience than Mr Putin thinks they do. Funding support for Ukraine until the end of 2023, or even better until the end of 2024, would undermine his plan. The combination of American weapons and Ukrainian bravery has worked well so far. Out of the total Congress made available, about $19bn of security assistance has already gone to Ukraine. That is less than 4% of the Pentagon’s annual budget. The administration has asked Congress to grant a further $38bn, most of it for security. What this money buys is priceless—not only Ukrainian resistance, but also American protection from Mr Putin’s aggression. Senate Republicans have been firm supporters of Ukraine. House Republicans, who from January will be in the majority, may be less so.
Third, pass a reform of the Electoral Count Act of 1887. This law seemed archaic until Donald Trump used it to advance the theory that state legislatures could overturn election results, or that the vice-president could decide the outcome. The reform that emerged from the Senate’s rules committee makes it clear that the vice-president’s role is ceremonial and that state legislatures cannot simply declare an election “failed”. It also speeds up the legal process for resolving electoral disputes. Passing it would help prevent a repeat of the January 6th violence, when Trump fans invaded Congress to force the result to change. It would also be a sign that America is repairing its democracy. Plenty of Republican senators have expressed support.
第三,通过1887年《选举计数法》的改革。这条法律似乎过时了,直到唐纳德·特朗普利用它来推进这样一种理论: 州立法机构可以推翻选举结果,或者副总统可以决定结果。参议院规则委员会提出的改革明确指出,副总统的角色是仪式性的,州立法机构不能简单地宣布选举“失败”。它还加快了解决选举争端的法律程序。通过该法案将有助于防止1月6日的暴力事件重演,当时特朗普的粉丝侵入国会,想要强迫选举结果发生改变。这也将是美国正在修复其民主制度的一个迹象。许多共和党参议员表示支持。
Fourth, raise the debt ceiling until the next presidential election is over. Even after Congress has appropriated money, members are asked whether they want to permit the maximum borrowing allowed, if extra is needed to make good on the ious they have written. A request to raise the debt ceiling comes around about once a year, though sometimes it is more frequent than that. Congress has always voted in favour, though it has occasionally done so late and only after throwing a tantrum. The incoming Republican House majority may want to use the debt-ceiling vote to extract concessions from the White House. But it is an empty threat: a sovereign default would crash the world economy and make America poorer and weaker. There are better ways to shrink the size of the state that do not involve making millions of people unemployed and destroying America’s creditworthiness. Better not to pretend it is an option.
【1】throw or have a tantrum 使性子第四,提高债务上限,直到下届总统大选结束。即使在国会拨款之后,议员们也会被问及是否允许最大限度的借款,如果需要额外的借款来偿还他们所写的借条。提高债务上限的要求大约每年都会出现一次,尽管有时会比这更频繁。国会总是投赞成票,尽管它偶尔很晚才投赞成票,而且会在大发脾气后才投赞成票。即将在众议院获得多数席位的共和党人可能希望利用债务上限问题的投票来迫使白宫做出让步。但这一威胁只是虚张声势: 主权债务违约将使世界经济崩溃,使美国更穷更弱。在不造成数百万人失业、不破坏美国信誉的情况下,有更好的方法来缩减政府的规模。最好不要假装这是一种选择。
Fifth, reform permitting laws to make it easier to build new green-energy projects (including nuclear ones) and new electric grids. The misleadingly named Inflation Reduction Act has opened up the possibility of a clean-technology revolution that would benefit America’s workers and slash its carbon emissions. But none of this will happen if new projects are delayed for decades by misguided rules on environmental permitting. This is an area where the White House, the swing Democratic senator, Joe Manchin, and Senate Republicans all agree.
Honour the midterm spirit

One of the heartening outcomes of the midterm elections was that the extremes did badly. Democratic candidates ditched ideas like defunding the police and were rewarded for their moderation. Our analysis of results found that Republican candidates backed by Mr Trump did about five points worse than they would have without his endorsement, and election deniers did even worse. This is a good moment to turn the reassertion of the moderate centre into a legislative programme. ■

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