外刊精读笔记 Day 482
《经济学人》- 为什么人们总是对职场感到如此沮丧?
第 482 篇精读笔记部分分享

<hr/>1. 文章来源
Why people are always so gloomy about the world ofwork
<hr/>2. 文章结构梳理

<hr/>3. 原文(para 1)
THE NOTION that the modern economy lacks &#34;good jobs&#34; is as uncontroversial as saying that Lionel Messi is good at football. Pundits decry the disappearance of the steady positions of yesteryear, where people did a fair day&#39;s work for a fair day&#39;s pay. &#34;Where have all the good jobs gone?&#34;, wonders one recent book, while another talks about &#34;the rise of polarised and precarious employment systems&#34;. President Joe Biden takes after Donald Trump in promising to bring good jobs &#34;back&#34;. But what if the whole debate rests on shaky foundations?
<hr/>4. 精读笔记(para 1)
THE NOTION that the modern economy lacks &#34;good jobs&#34; is as uncontroversial as saying that Lionel Messi is good at football.
现代经济缺少“好的工作”的说法和利昂内尔·梅西(lionel Messi)足球踢得一流的说法一样,毫无争议。
uncontroversial /ˌʌnkɒntrəˈvəːʃ(ə)l/
adj. 非争论性的;不会引起争论的
Punditsdecry the disappearance of the steady positions of yesteryear, where people did a fair day&#39;s work for a fair day&#39;s pay.
pundit /ˈpʌndɪt/
n. a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore oftenasked to give an opinion about it to the public (某方面的)专家,权威。eg:apolitical pundit 政治权威
decry /dɪˈkrʌɪ/
vt. to criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary 斥责,谴责,抨击。eg:Lawyers decried the imprisonment of several journalists. 律师们对几名记者遭到监禁表示谴责。
yesteryear /ˈjɛstəjɪə/
adj. of yesteryear literary existing in the past 往昔的,当年的。eg:the steam trains of yesteryear 当年的蒸汽火车
&#34;Where have all the good jobs gone?&#34;, wonders one recent book, while another talks about &#34;the rise of polarised and precarious employment systems&#34;.
最近有一本书问道:“所有好工作都去哪里了呢?”而另一本书则 谈到了“两极分化且不稳定的雇佣制度的兴起”。
polarize /ˈpəʊ.lə.raɪz/
vt. to cause something, especially something that contains different people oropinions, to divide into two completely opposing groups 使两极分化,使截然对立。eg:The debate is becoming polarized and there seems to be no middleground. 辩论变得两极化了,看起来没有中间立场。
precarious /prɪˈkɛːrɪəs/
adj. A precarious situation is likely to get worse. (情势)不稳定的,不确定的,危险的。eg:Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precariousfinancial position. 许多借款人现在发现自己陷入了不稳定的财务状况。
President Joe Biden takes after Donald Trump in promising to bring good jobs &#34;back&#34;.
和唐纳德·特朗普 一样,美国总统乔·拜登也承诺会“恢复”好工作。
take after sb
If you take after a member of your family, you resemble them in yourappearance, your behaviour, or your character. (在外表、举止、性格方面)像 (某家庭成员)。eg:Ted&#39;s always been difficult, Mr Kemp — he takes after hisdad. 肯普先生,特德一直很难相处——像他爸。
But what if the whole debate rests on shaky foundations?
但倘若整个讨论 都是建立在摇摇欲坠的基础之上的呢?
rest on / upon sb/sth
to depend or rely on sb / sth 依靠;依赖。eg:All our hopes now rest on you.现在所有的希望都寄托在你的身上。
<hr/>5. 完整翻译
THE NOTION that the modern economy lacks &#34;good jobs&#34; is as uncontroversial as saying that Lionel Messi is good at football. Pundits decry the disappearance of the steady positions of yesteryear, where people did a fair day&#39;s work for a fair day&#39;s pay. &#34;Where have all the good jobs gone?&#34;, wonders one recent book, while another talks about &#34;the rise of polarised and precarious employment systems&#34;. President Joe Biden takes after Donald Trump in promising to bring good jobs &#34;back&#34;. But what if the whole debate rests on shaky foundations?
现代经济缺少“好的工作”的说法和利昂内尔·梅西(lionel Messi) 足球踢得一流的说法一样,毫无争议。专家们都谴责说,过去人们公平地干一天工,拿一天工资,这种稳定的工作已经一去不复返了。最近有一本书问道:“所有好工作都去哪里了呢?”而另一本书则 谈到了“两极分化且不稳定的雇佣制度的兴起”。和唐纳德·特朗普 一样,美国总统乔·拜登也承诺会“恢复”好工作。但倘若整个讨论 都是建立在摇摇欲坠的基础之上的呢? |